Tuesday, March 29, 2011

shutter island movie mistakes

For the movie Shutter Island there are 33 mistakes in the whole movie. The hardest one to seeis when Teddy lays his dead kids on the grass, the little girl is seen breathing and her eyes are still moving. Another one is when Teddy arrives home, he sees his wife on the swings and ducks appear/disappear depending on the angle.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sexting gets out of control

In Lacey, Washington an 8th grader posed naked in front of the mirror and took a picture and sent it to her (now ex) boyfriend, And he sent it in a forward message to her bestfriend. Margerites friend forward it as well along with putting a label say "Hoe alert, If you think she is a hoe forward it along" she transfered schools hoping things would change. One boy had the picture and told everyone and she was forced to switch back..

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

car factory palates

An auto part factory is involved in palates hopefully to reduce workers comp. It was shown at first they weren't really into it but by the end, they felt a lot better.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Susan Smith

In 1995 Susan Smith was convicted of murdering her two sons. When Susan was 15 she was sexually abused by her step dad.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Interview questions

  •    Was it scary to see Adam hit the concrete like that?
  •    Absolutely. I never excepted him to land on his head like that.

  • How did you figure something was wrong?
  1. I knew it went wrong the second he started to go ,that his board wasn't on the right track he had set.


What was your first thought when Adam finally stopped rolling when he landed

           I thought he was for sure gone. He didn't move he didn't make a sound or a scream. I've never been so scared for a friend in my life. He is truly a brother to me.

Did you or Dalton look away just for a second and miss it?

No we both saw something bad was about to happen. We knew we couldn't look away so we could tell his parents what exactly went down that day.


  1.    Did you not think anything bad would happen that day?
  • No, I felt something bad was going to happen I just didn't think it was going to be almost fatal or to me.
  1. How long have you scooped the spot.
  •    We've had the spot picked out for a good 3-4 months. 

Illinois outlaws penalty

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn  signed a bill on death penalty after more then 10 years since their last death penalty was given, in 1999. Quinn put the penalties on hold after that which made death row inmates cleared from their crimes. 2011 comes along and now the death penalty is banned

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Active/Passive quiz

I thought it was pretty difficult at first but once I read the questions over two-three more times, I understood what I was supposed to think about. Overall I did pretty decent, I got a 9/10. I got number six wrong.

I washed my car three weeks ago.  I thought it was passive ,because of three weeks ago. I learned it would be active because the person themselves did it.

Dead for 96 Minutes

In Goodhue, MN, Howard Snitzer is unconscious for 96 minutes while medical personals and bystanders spent an hour and a half performing CPR. He had a heart attack not even 50 days ago when he was out on a walk when his heart gave out.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Virginia School Stands By Decision to Suspend Student Who Opened Door

A middle school in Virgina is thinking to suspend a student after he opened the doors to let a visitor whose hands were full, And that the boy did know the visitor. Guests to the school must ring a bell and be seen on an outside camera to be allowed in. The parents of the student expect not only their child to have a cleaned record and a sincere apology. The school stated the kid did in fact know the rulers along with all the other students.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ansaris fire

Fighters from 5 different cities helped out the Eagan fire crew put out a fire that happened to Ansaris restaurant on Feb. 9th 2011. This was not the only fire to happen to this family. The owners little sister is a student here. The Ansari family also had  A car fire, Gas station fire, a different restaurant fire and a small house fire. Police said it is to be suspected as arson from the owner as a form of insurance fraud. They have been caught 3 other times already.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Jonesboro shootings

The data was March 24th, 1998 in Craigshead county Arkansas . Jonesboro Middle school where 13 yr old Mitcheel Johnson and 11 yr old Andrew Golden opened fire in the school yard of Jonesboro. Killing their teacher and 4 students injuring 10.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wisconsin governor victim of prank call

Wi. Governor was duped froma prank call making him say his plan on undercutting public employee unions

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Student who created A hate group against english teacher was suspended

A year ago Katherine Evans(now 19 years old) made a group outside of school on facebook saying how her senior class English teacher. The school watched as students joined and make comments to the group. Evans was suspended for 3 days, but the brought the case to court saying it violated her first amendment. One of her attorneys state that it did in fact violate her amendments, the school went to far, Even if she praised the teacher how far would the school punish her. The school kicked her out of her Advanced Placement classes and lowered her to a weighted honors class.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

teachers, students and the first amendment

1. What are the 5 freedoms of the 1st amendment?1791

2. What is the Tinker Standard?1965
As long as it doesn't disrupt class or work

3. What is the Frasier Standard?1986
As long as it isn't vulgar or indecent

4. What is the Hazelwood Standard?1988
related to teaching concern

5. What is the Frederick Standard?2007-
School Can not censor a student of school grounds if it is not vulgar indecent or libel.
6. What is the definition of libel?

false statements about a person its defamatory. (Must harm the reputation of another person)

published to one other person

made about the plaintiff

actual malice
of and concerning

wisonsin power play

The Governor of Wisconsin basically just wants to get rid of the union after protests about budgeting  was thrown at him. I think because the economy blows, Scott Walker(governor) should do what his people want, he only got the title because of the people.

Friday, February 18, 2011

splc quiz

I guess I could have focused alittle more on the questions and the options but over all I did a little better then the first quiz. Last quiz was 17/30 and now I got a 25/30. It was pretty simple had a problem with a few of them.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

first amendment test

I suppose I could have paid a little more attention in government. I got a 17/30. If I really really paid attenion I could've gotten a better score.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

a war to end up like the French revolution?

In Egypt, the "war" is turning out to be more and more like a revolution. The only difference is it is not in France or involving the united states. Some say Egypt might even split into two parts eastern and western.

The fighting has now moved onto Yemen and soon to Iran. A revolution that happened over 2,000 years ago has made it's way to Egypt. Basically all the united states is doing is sitting back and smiling.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

congresswoman speaks for first time since shooting

Arizona rep. speaks for first time since the shooting. She asked for toast with breakfast. Her husband Mark Kelly will be leaving April 15th for a two week stay at the international space station. The doctors say even though her recovery is quick, They are not sure if she will be well enough to go to Cape Canaveral, Fl. for the launch.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

a band of brothers

It's very rare to see one pair of siblings in the military together. As of three years ago there was counted of 5 sets of Brothers.
  • Lance Cpls. Guillermo Hernandez, 27, and Raul Hernandez, 24, from Corpus Christi, Texas
  • Cpl. Daniel Beans, 24, from Gaines-ville, Florida, and Lance Cpl. Joshua Beans, 23, from Tampa, Florida;
  • Lance Cpls. Jonathon Faseler, 21, and Matthew Faseler, 19, from Jourdanton, Texas;
  • Gunnery Sgt. Hector Vega Cigarroa, 35, and Sgt. Francisco Vega, 32, from Houston; and
  • Lance Cpls. Cody Henrichsen, 22, and Bobby Henrichsen, 19, from Katy, Texas.
 A majority of them are also in the same Platoon  well 3/5 any ways. The beans brothers are lucky to be in the same Platoon together for they have not alot in common nor spend alot of time together.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Superbowl ads.

We will watch Super Bowl commercials today in class.

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
1.16 years and up
2. 20-50
3.any age

What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
1.a dirty city
2.really quick

What is the slogan/message for the company?
1.imported from Detroit
3.eat it
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
1.yes. It shows the best of a car going through a "bad" city
2.not really. It wasn't mainly at the car just its one feature.
3.no. nothings funny about dropping ashes

Superbowl ads

I think the two Favorite Superbowl ads in America was the little boy being Darth Vader, Trying the start everything. His father comes home with the new Volkswagen and starts his car with the button on his keys. The Doritos boy was another favorite because his mom started seeing someone new and that was his first mistake according to the kid, another mistake was he touched the boys Doritos.

For the game it's self that was a disaster. Steelers lost, halftime show was a mess. Fregie couldn't sing on note, The lighting on the V of the word love was out. They sang old songs they couldn't do. The good part of the show was the song choices and the dancers and shirts lighting up in certain pattern. I thought that was pretty cool

Friday, February 4, 2011



Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences.

Broadcast journalism is aired current events through Television,Radio,News papers, some phones.

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.

1Unusualness.News if different, the unusual, out of the ordinary.
  • Churches roof caved in onto gym floor.

2.Significance-Important events, ones that affect many people are news.

  • taxes,elections,wars,scientific discoveries
3.Timeliness-Old news is not news its history

  • people want to hear about new stuff not last month

4.Proximity-Nearby events

  •  new state tax laws,local apartment fire,local school gang activity

5. Prominence-Well known  people, buildings,or places are involved- shoplifting is not news, Zac Efron shoplifting is news

6.Human Interest-
 Stories about human or animals, -humorous or dramatic
  • heart warming or heart wrenching

What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?



How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism?

Man requests to be let out of prison

Jeffery Skilling request to let from prison after son was pronounced dead.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Egypt civil war?

30 year president Hosni Mubarak states he will not be running next election which angered half of Egypt. Police have put a barracked around the two sides so they cannot cross into certain places. Citizens not involved in the demonstration have been locked into building, but they try to escape.